
Item Description
8K UHD 8,680 x 4,720 ¦ 7,680 x 4,320 ¦ lines of resolution, vertical x horizontal
4K UHD 4,096 x 2,160 ¦ 3,840 x 2,160 ¦ lines of resolution, vertical x horizontal
1080p 1080 progressive ¦ Super HD
1080i 1080 interlaced
1080 1,920 x 1,080 ¦ lines of resolution, vertical x horizontal
4X eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate
Ages Age suggestions recommended GZp
CMSG Construction and Management Simulation Game
CRPG Console Role-Playing Game
DLC Downloadable Content
E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo
FPS First-Person Shooter
GHUNS Game Hunters United Network System
GOAT Games Of All Types
HD High Definition ¦ 720p
Inc. ¦ inc. Incorporated
Info. ¦ info. Information; additionally; hover selector to view.
Intl. ¦ intl. International
Ltd. Limited
MMO Massively Multiplayer Online
MMOFPS Massively Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter
MMORPG Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
MOO Multi-User Domain - Object Oriented
MUD Multi-User Dungeon
OS Operating System
PC Personal Computer with Windows
PS2 PlayStation 2, Sony
PS3 PlayStation 3, Sony
PS4 PlayStation 4, Sony
psn PlayStation Network, Sony Internet subscription required
RPG Role-Playing Game
RTS Real-Time Strategy
RTT Real-Time Tactics
SD Standard Definition ¦ 480p ¦ Standard HD
TBS Turn Based Strategy
TBT Turn-Based Tactics
TPS Third Person Shooter
UHD Ultra High Definition
WGD Windows Game Device
Wii Wii, Nintendo
Windows Device with Microsoft Windows OS
ww WiiWare
WPC Windows Personal Computer
X1 Xbox One , Microsoft ¦ see Windows 10
X360 Xbox 360, Microsoft ¦ see Windows 8
XBLN Xbox Live Network Internet subscription required
XBLA Xbox Live Arcade Internet subscription required
AK74 Authorized Credentials Required